
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s (BMGF) FP investments in Nigeria focus primarily at the national level and in two target states, Lagos and Kaduna, with additional co-funded work in Oyo State.

The FP investment portfolio in Nigeria has been expanding rapidly and includes several newer investments in addition to the established Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI), which began implementation in 2010 under the NURHI 1 project. The current iteration, NURHI 2, continues to focus primarily on demand generation and FP service provision demonstration activities as well as advocacy interventions. The current portfolio includes more recent investments in the areas of government capacity building in FP management and planning, advocacy and private sector provision of services. Strong evidence exists on the impact of the NURHI 1 demonstration model; however, gaps in evidence exist for the newer institutional capacity building, private sector and advocacy investments. Service delivery investments are more heavily focused on the public sector as compared to private sector investment.

The expansion of the BMGF FP portfolio in Nigeria reflects the hypothesis that demonstrating an effective, innovative FP program may not be sufficient to achieve replication and scale-up of portfolio strategies by the government and other donors. Barriers related to government FP management, capacity, and data use – as well as the visibility of FP issues at the national and state levels – might hinder the expansion of successful interventions.

An overview of the BMGF FP investments in Nigeria can be viewed at the interactive timeline.